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Michelle Feldman: Keeping Philly Beautiful #ThisWeekI

Michelle Feldman: Keeping Philly Beautiful #ThisWeekI

It’s another Monday, which means either we have to kick up the caffeine or inspiration (or both!) for this edition of #ThisWeekI.

This week’s column features Michelle Feldman, director of Keep Philadelphia Beautiful. Although she may be small in stature, this gal has got a LOT of ideas, enthusiasm and positive energy. Seriously, how cute is this photo (even when she’s getting dirty to cleanup) she submitted?

Let’s meet Michelle.

Michelle Feldman

Michelle Feldman

Name: Michelle Feldman
Neighborhood: Border between Society Hill and Bella Vista
Occupation: Director of Keep Philadelphia Beautiful
Fav Cleanup Effort: I’ll give you two! One of my favorite Keep Philadelphia Beautiful cleanup efforts involved partnering with the North 5th Street Revitalization Project and TD Bank volunteers last year. We did a two day massive cleanup along the North 5th Street corridor in Olney and worked our butts off! It was great. I also love the annual Philly Spring Cleanup Day run by the Streets Department. They’ve done such a great job of getting the entire City engaged and excited!
Celeb I’d Like to Meet: I’d love to meet Hillary Clinton. (Predictable, right?)
One Green Thing Philly Should Do NOW!: I think we should all pick up at least one piece of litter each day. I’ve found that doing that in a public space often starts a conversation with someone about litter, its environmental and social impacts.

Michelle Feldman’s #ThisWeekI Contribution:

  1. Helped a friend start a recycling program in her building.
  2. Planned a cleanup in Penn Treaty Park with Keep Philadelphia Beautiful.
  3. Gave a presentation about littering and recycling at a summer camp.

Now it’s time to get inspired and do well. Readers, tell us: What have you done this week? What are your goals? Join the convo in the comments below and on Twitter with #ThisWeekI.

Want to inspire others and be featured on an upcoming #ThisWeekI column? Send us an email to and tell us: what did #ThisWeekI inspire you to do? 

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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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