Dr. Peter Gleick Talks Water in our Q&A and Visits Philly on Friday!
Want to find out more about water from an expert?
Water and climate-change expert, Peter Gleick is bringing his Global Water Challenges & Solutions talk to Philly this week!
Fairmount Water Works Interpretative Center is celebrating its 10th anniversary on Friday, October 25th by hosting Dr. Gleick. According to Wired Magazine, “one of the 15 people the next president should listen to” is discussing water use, public health and the future of our climate change. We talked with with Dr. Gleick before his Philly visit and asked about his upcoming lecture, water and what Philadelphians can do to help.
Before we get to the interview, we’re giving a free pair of passes to the lecture and reception. Simply enter a comment below and Like us on Facebook (or follow on Twitter– just mention which one IN the comments.) In the comments below, answer the question, “How can you do to conserve water?”
Q&A with Dr. Peter Gleick
Green Philly Blog: What message are you going to share during your “Global Water Challenges and Solutions” on Friday?
Dr. Peter Gleick: I’m delighted to be coming to Philadelphia – home to some of the earliest and most innovative urban water systems in America. My public talk will be on the remaining unsolved global water challenges, such as the failure to provide safe water and sanitation to all, the growing risks of climate change for our water supply and demand, the problem of conflicts over water resources, and the strange story of bottled water and why we drink so much of it when the US has such a fantastic public urban water system.
Green Philly Blog: What do you think the biggest threat to our water supply is?
Dr. Peter Gleick: Part of the answer to this depends on who you ask and where you are. In parts of Africa, it is the failure to meet basic human needs for water and sanitation. In the western US, it is the growing mismatch between supply and demand, and the realization that our natural ecosystems are suffering from overextraction and contamination of the scarce water resources there. In the long term, the biggest threat may be the growing reality of human-caused climate change, which will affect the supply and demand for water, the probability of extreme events (both floods and droughts), and water quality.
Green Philly Blog: Where does the US water supply struggle? What will be the parts that will need help?
Dr. Peter Gleick: The US has a great water system, mostly. But it suffers from underinvestment. It suffers from the fact that we take our water for granted and don’t plan for the long term. More effort and funding must put into improving our infrastructure, adding new sophisticated water treatment, addressing storm water challenges in urban settings, and frankly, in educating people about where their water comes from and how to continue to ensure safe, affordable water services.
Green Philly Blog: What do you think the single most important thing someone in Philadelphia can do for the water supply?
Dr. Peter Gleick: People can get involved in many different ways, depending on their preferences, time, level of effort, and more. Certainly, all of us can use water more efficiently by making sure we have efficient toilets, dishwashers, showerheads, washing machines, and more; by ensuring that our gardens don’t use more water than necessary; and by looking for and eliminating leaks and waste. But people can also work with their local water agencies, run for water boards, vote for candidates that take on the issue of water and water protection, and help schools educate kids about water.
If you go – Peter Gleick lecture:
What: Dr. Peter Gleick brings his enlightening and thought-provoking talk, “Global Water Challenges and Solutions” to Philadelphia, followed by a private reception with him.
When: Friday, October 25, 2013, Lecture: 5:30 to 7 p.m., Private Reception: 7 to 9 p.m.
Where: Lecture, Van Pelt Auditorium, Philadelphia Museum of Art; Private Reception: Fairmount Water Works Interpretive Center, 640 Water Works Drive, Philadelphia
Tickets: $55 for Lecture, $15 for Reception available online. Discounts for students, young professionals and groups.