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Green Wheels Hosts Free Bike Riding Event

This Sunday, May 17th, join the Leadership Montgomery County Forum Green Wheels for a free cycling event to promote biking as eco-friendly transportation.  All are welcome – from novice to experienced bikers.

Here are details:
Part one of the event kicks off at 10:00 AM with a bike safety presentation followed by a 2 mile bike ride starting at Alvethorpe Park in Jenkintown.
Bikers will ride through Alverthorpe Park, Abington Art Center, Abington Friends and the Jenkintown streets, finishing at Hiway Theatre.

Part two picks up at the HiwayTheatre where Green Wheels will present a bike forum with presentations from Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz, Street Films, Neighborhood Bike Works, Abington Parks and Recreation, Green Jenkintown and Briar Bush Nature Center.

It’s sure to be a fun way to spend  a few hours on a Sunday- spend almost nothing and promote a worthy cause.  Check it out – rain or shine!

For more info contact:

Posted by Beth

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Beth is a Health and Wellness expert who believes sustainability goes hand-in-hand with self care. She’s the girl whipping up kombucha cocktails at parties, and extolling the benefits of canning vegetables to anyone who will listen. View all posts by Beth Funari
Green Philly

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