Be a Corporate Sustainability Game-Changer: Upcoming Seminar
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How do we implement sustainability strategies to mitigate financial and operational risks in today’s business landscape?
Become a Sustainability Game-Changer
Political policy and government intervention has proved to be too limited and slow to act in order to drive rapid, far-reaching change. Business and industry are emerging as the crucial change agents to accomplish significant transformation.
With the scale and influence needed to institute sustainable advancements, many organizations are struggling with where and how to begin their sustainability journey, as well as how to develop, implement, and advance Corporate Responsibility programs.
Forward-thinking companies are not only addressing operational challenges; they are capitalizing on the opportunities and reaping widespread business benefits.Corporate Responsibility is key to advancing business strategies and ensuring continued performance in an evolving marketplace.
How do companies get started on the sustainability path?
Corporations, large and small, have the power to drive large-scale change, and every sustainability program begins with the dedication and influence of individuals.
Typically, one person, or a small group, is tasked with implementing and advancing sustainability throughout an organization. Often, this is either an additional assignment over and above their current responsibilities; or they are personally committed to sustainability and are championing this mission within their existing role.
Even the most steadfast sustainability champion will encounter difficulties when integrating sustainability throughout their business.
One barrier to success is the lack of formal training or the practical experience needed to develop, implement, and advance a corporate sustainability program. Without clear direction and forward movement, sustainability programs often fall short of their mark, organizational commitment wanes, and sustainability falls to the wayside.
To truly make measurable progress, training is needed to empower sustainability managers and change agents to implement proactive change and move the needle within their organization.
Get the training you need to be a sustainability driver
There is a variety of sustainability training options in the market, but it is important to select a program that goes beyond theory and focuses on practice and application. Responding to this need for action-oriented sustainability training, Tad Radzinski, recognized industry expert, has developed the Corporate Responsibility Revolution – Strategy to Success seminar.
This seminar is designed as an interactive workshop to help individuals and corporations to work directly on accelerating their sustainability programs. Utilizing years of applied experience, Tad employs a full circle approach and provides powerful insight and real-world tools to develop and prioritize concrete steps to align sustainability and business goals.
Upon registration, you will receive a questionnaire to assist in refining the seminar to meet individual participant objectives. This comprehensive seminar will deliver the most relevant, immediately applicable material and provide demonstrated value to all attendees.
- Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2015
- Time: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Location: The Hub Cira Centre: 2929 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
For more information, or to reserve your spot today, go to www.tadradzinski.com/speaking-seminar.html.