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#ThisWeekI built a house

#ThisWeekI built a house


Kudos to the folks at Larsen & Landis Structural Engineers for recently taking a hot, sweaty day out of the office to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity.

They spent the day in Point Breeze working together as a team with Cicada Architecture/Planning on six houses – one of Habitat Philadelphia’s largest homebuilding projects ever.  All six homes are being built to LEED Gold standards.

In addition to supporting sustainability by helping build green buildings, Larsen & Landis support it by creating service days for the whole office to create camaraderie and team building while benefiting others, as well as providing their employees with time to take volunteer days throughout the year as part of their benefits package.  These folks are make sure their triple bottom line includes people as a big part of the equation!

Readers, what is your office doing for a positive change? Tell us and you could be featured on an upcoming #ThisWeekI column. Send us an email to and tell us: what did #ThisWeekI inspire you to do? 


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Green Philly

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