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Marlo Dilks Making a Difference 1 SliCE at a Time: #ThisWeekI

Marlo Dilks Making a Difference 1 SliCE at a Time: #ThisWeekI

What are you doing to inspire change in your community?

This week’s #ThisWeekI column talks to a local business owner whom many readers know for her infamous cheesy pies. (Hint: they were a HUGE hit at the Big Green Party!)

Let’s meet Marlo:

Marlo Dillks - Slice PA
Marlo Dillks, with Slice’s natural/organic soda machine.

Marlo Dilks

Name: Marlo Dilks

Occupation: Accountant, turned business owner

Neighborhood: Born and raised in Girard estate but now a Queen Village resident

Restaurants should make this sustainable shift: Recycle more. It’s easy to do, either by using earth friendly products & containers or recycling oil used for frying.

Favorite food: Although people may assume otherwise, pizza and burgers are not my favorite food. I am more a vegetable person. I prefer a piece of fish grilled and vegetable.

Marlo Dilks #ThisWeekI:

  • Printed out less papers and switched over to online bills.
  • Taught my girls to unplug things like chargers, etc. when they are not in use.
  • I use a refillable coffee mug. Bonus: I finally convinced my mom and husband to do the same (versus using a disposable one).

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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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