Marlo Dilks Making a Difference 1 SliCE at a Time: #ThisWeekI
What are you doing to inspire change in your community?
This week’s #ThisWeekI column talks to a local business owner whom many readers know for her infamous cheesy pies. (Hint: they were a HUGE hit at the Big Green Party!)
Let’s meet Marlo:

Marlo Dilks
Name: Marlo Dilks
Occupation: Accountant, turned business owner
Neighborhood: Born and raised in Girard estate but now a Queen Village resident
Restaurants should make this sustainable shift: Recycle more. It’s easy to do, either by using earth friendly products & containers or recycling oil used for frying.
Favorite food: Although people may assume otherwise, pizza and burgers are not my favorite food. I am more a vegetable person. I prefer a piece of fish grilled and vegetable.
Marlo Dilks #ThisWeekI:
- Printed out less papers and switched over to online bills.
- Taught my girls to unplug things like chargers, etc. when they are not in use.
- I use a refillable coffee mug. Bonus: I finally convinced my mom and husband to do the same (versus using a disposable one).