Quick Tip – Cut That Excess
Need to cut some excess from your life?
While you may be familiar with Beth’s Paper Peeve and my co-workers apologize each time they print a doc… but no longer fear! An easy gesture such as shrinking your margins (I recommend .5″ on all sides ) on computer printouts will save your printer (and co-workers) pages.
Word 2007 even has an easy default:
- Go to the “Page Layout” ribbon
- Click the “Margins” dropdown
- Select “Narrow”.
You’ll be amazed at how much more info you can fit & trees you can save! (One study by Change the Margins says if you change your margins to .75″ on all sides, you can reduce paper by 4.75% – saving 1.14 trees per ton of paper. If the whole US changed their margins, we’d save 6,156,000 trees every year just by a small change.)
Posted by Julie