How to Green Your Father’s Day
This Sunday, we thank the man who taught us to throw a softball, tend to a garden and appreciate the great outdoors.
Father’s Day typically conjures up images of barbecues, meat slurries & beer. So how can you greenly pay homage to your Dad?
Looking for some gift suggestions?
- How about a camping set so you can unplug and take a family trip outdoors together!
- Does your Dad love the water? Other gift alternatives could be a canoe or raft for the river (hint: no oil required.)
- Tickets for live sporting events (or concerts, etc) are an excellent opportunity to spend time with your Pops & you can take public transit for a smaller carbon footprint.
- Is your Dad an electronics wiz? Try getting a solar charger as an accessory!
- If you’re handy, try making something yourself. This DIY Key Rack (made from old keys) looks AWESOME, or DIY recycled Beer Coasters would be greatly appreciated. Or use those obsolete CD cases to create this recycled lamp!
- Try fixing up Dad’s bike so you can take a nice cycling ride together!
To celebrate Father’s day the sustainable way:
- If you’re going to barbecue, choose local and organic varieties. My Dad has recently become a Whole Foods addict and prefers the locavore lifestyle anyway.
- Into seafood? Find the most sustainable varieties with the Monterey Aquarium Watch List
- Choosing to Dine Out instead? Select a restaurant that focuses on meat-free, organic and local options. (Check out our list of the hottest choices right now!)
- Imbibe with organic beer & sustainable booze options
- Write 5 (or 10) ideas on recycled paper and toss in a bowl. Have your Dad pick one out to celebrate.
- Dedicate some time to help Dad knock off some chores around the house or tending the garden.
- Take a hike! (With your Dad, of course!) This trailfinder will help you find a new (local) path!
Readers, how are you celebrating Father’s Day?
Photo: GPB: Dad (& Grand-Dad) of Green