Green Your Hanukkah
Happy Hanukkah! Here’s some tips to green your festivities of all 8 nights:
- Green Your Menorah: Classic menorahs use olive oil & cotton wicks, which are great substitute for common oil-based wax candles. Beeswax is another non-petroleum alternative for candles. If you must go the candle route, go “local” & support “made the in USA” products. (Also, you can avoid some nasty lead from some foreign-based candles). For the Menorah itself, try a reused steel pipe, or out of natural glass or metals.
- Spin that sustainable-wood dreidel: Purchase from 3RLiving, Kashmiri or make your own from paper or cardboard.
- Carpool or take public transit to Temple.
- Support local when purchasing cheese, potatoes, eggs and sustainable meats. Or go vegetarian with organic latkes! (yum!)
- Compost your Kitchen Scraps (speaking of cooking…)
- Buy green gifts for loved ones OR..
- Forego a gift 1 (or more) nights to do charity work or donate to your favorite cause
- Wrap presents in Newspapers with dried flowers (sans bows) or re-use gift bags
Hungry for some more ideas? Check out some more Eco-friendly Hanukkah suggestions.
Readers, what are you doing to Green your Hanukkah?
(For a special treat, I hope you’re singing to the tune of Dynamite for the new Candlelight sensation!)
Posted by Julie