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Green Your Hanukkah

Happy Hanukkah!  Here’s some tips to green your festivities of all 8 nights:

  • Green Your Menorah: Classic menorahs use olive oil & cotton wicks, which are great substitute for common oil-based wax candles. Beeswax is another non-petroleum alternative for candles.  If you must go the candle route, go “local” & support “made the in USA” products.  (Also, you can avoid some nasty lead from some foreign-based candles). For the Menorah itself, try a reused steel pipe, or out of natural glass or metals.
  • Spin that sustainable-wood dreidel: Purchase from 3RLiving, Kashmiri or make your own from paper or cardboard.
  • Carpool or take public transit to Temple.
  • Support local when purchasing cheese, potatoes, eggs and sustainable meats. Or go vegetarian with organic latkes! (yum!)
  • Compost your Kitchen Scraps (speaking of cooking…)
  • Buy green gifts for loved ones OR..
  • Forego a gift 1 (or more) nights to do charity work or donate to your favorite cause
  • Wrap presents in Newspapers with dried flowers (sans bows) or re-use gift bags

Hungry for some more ideas? Check out some more Eco-friendly Hanukkah suggestions.

Readers, what are you doing to Green your Hanukkah?

(For a special treat, I hope you’re singing to the tune of Dynamite for the new Candlelight sensation!)

Posted by Julie

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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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