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Green Gifts Under $50 for Everyone on Your List

Green Gifts Under $50 for Everyone on Your List

Green Gifts Under $50With just under twenty days left til Christmas it’s time to get your green gift shopping on! Don’t stress, friends, we have your guide to affordable, eco-friendly items for everyone on your list.

Fashionistas: For the fashionable lady who likes to be sustainable while looking cute gift the Jous Jous Eco Friendly Handmade Earring. I love all the colors, but especially the red and green. (See these beauties on the right.)

Kids : The tots in your life will have fun with this Green Toys Recycling Truck. And, their parents will be grateful you didn’t gift them something toxic or noisy.


The diligent environmentalist…will appreciate this shower timer –  great reminder that 5 minutes should really be enough and the shower is not to be treated as a pool. This would also make a great stocking stuffer for someone who needs a nudge – aka the notoriously long bather in your family :0

Ladies in your life: For your girlfriend, sis, or Mom I love the Eco Tools earth friendly 6 piece brush set. I’ve used these sets for years.

green gifts

The reader:  While paperbacks aren’t as green as reading on a Kindle or Nook if you’re gifting a reader Gone Girl is a good choice. I’m not someone who usually chooses mysteries but this one is can’t-put-it-down intriguing.

green gifts

The fellas in your life: Ladies, your man will be all about this uber comfortable (yet stylish) Alternative Apparel Doug Fir sweatshirt made from a blend of blend of organic cotton, recycled polyester, and naturally occurring rayon.(This one clocks in at $50, but it’s such a wearable staple it’s worth the price.)

green gifts

For the Techie: Check out this Mobile Edge Eco Friendly canvas backpack. An ideal gift for someone who can’t leave home without their iPad, laptop, and essential-to-breathing gadgets.

green gifts

Your Aunt, Neighbor, or Co-worker you just found out you should be gifting: Any tea drinker will adore this portable Teavana Harmony Glass Tea Tumbler with Infuser.  The clear glass is nice for displaying pretty teas and easy to clean.

green gifts

Happy shopping, and happy holidays! What green gifts are you giving this year? Let us know in the comments.


Photos: Amazon






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Beth is a Health and Wellness expert who believes sustainability goes hand-in-hand with self care. She’s the girl whipping up kombucha cocktails at parties, and extolling the benefits of canning vegetables to anyone who will listen. View all posts by Beth Funari
Green Philly

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