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DIY Recycled Cat Scratcher (WCI Weds)

DIY Recycled Cat Scratcher (WCI Weds)

DIY recycled Cat ScratcherOnce you adopt your sustainable kitty, you’ll know they need lots of play time and attention. Want to keep your cat entertained but not spend a boatload? No worries – you can create a DIY recycled cat scratcher for (practically) free!

Plus, it’s Where Can I Wednesday, and we can explore what you can do with used cardboard boxes besides putting them in the recycling bin.

As you may know, Pounce DeLeon is well aware of his Carbon PawPrint between his food, litter and treats. I wanted to make sure his scratching post was recycled and aligned with his sustainable values – plus it saved me some cash. The cardboard cat scratch project began on one evening after work…

Instructions: DIY Cat Scratcher

Materials you need:
  • Recycled cardboard boxes. I chose to use office paper & shipping boxes, which were thicker. 
  • Clear storage tape.
  • Scissors.
  • Feline assistant. (optional)
How to Make your DIY Cat Scratcher:

1. Break down cardboard boxes. Make sure cat doesn’t completely obstruct your project by giving him another box to lay on while you’re working on one.

(He’s such a good assistant and always wants to help!)

Pounce obstructing DIY cat scratcher

2. Measure and mark off your preferred width. (I made mine about 4 inches.) Cut each strip with scissors.

(Another tip: you can use ‘box tops’ as well as the boxes themselves.)

3. Start to wrap each strip around itself in a circle.

I had to hold down each strip with my knee as I cut the tape – It would probably be wise to pre-cut the tape and keep on a chair/etc for easy access.

creating your DIY Cat Scratcher

(Note the QA/QC assistant always monitoring the cat scratcher construction.) 

4. Continue to cut and wrap the cardboard around itself. Make sure to try to wrap as tightly as possible by bending the cardboard in different directions. However, mine still had small gaps between layers.

5. Once you wrap it enough, you can call it a day! Place catnip on top of the cardboard to attract your furry BFF to his new toy!

Finished DIY cat scratcher

6. Don’t get upset 10 minutes later when your cat completely ignores his new, homemade, carefully created, ‘DIY’ ed cat scratch post. Try dousing with more catnip over the next few days.

Pounce ignoring his new DIY recycled cat scratcher

To get a little creative, you could make a few different shapes or sizes for this DIY cat scratcher. I wanted to make the “LOVE” statue, but realized Pounce hated the O. I won’t be spending more time on it until he plays with it. At least once….

Readers, let us know if you try this DIY project and share your experiences/photos!


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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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