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Christmas Trees: Be real or fake it?

treeI’ve gotten a lot of questions recently on the environmental impact of Christmas trees.

What’s best – An all natural, real pine or an artificial tree that will last a few years?

Here’s the dirt on real v. faux:

Artificial trees are usually made from non-renewable plastic material (& many contain PVC.)  Yes, you can use these trees for a few years.  But, they’re most likely not recyclable.

Getting a real tree may be more work but there’s  some major advantages:

  • Farmed Christmas trees get the big gold star in “eco-friendliness.”  They’re grown for Christmas and absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the environment.
  • Fresh pine smell! Can’t beat the smell of a real tree to get you in the holiday mood.
  • You can recycle your tree in Philly in ’09!  From the website: Just drop off your tree for recycling between Monday, Jan. 5 and Saturday, Jan. 17 from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm at the Streets Department Sanitation Convenience Centers located at 3033 South 63rd Street, Domino Lane & Umbria Street, and State Road & Ashburner Street.   Please make sure your tree is free of all decorations, ornaments, plastic bags or wrappings.

The truth is some people are Christmas tree folks, and some not so much.  The bottom line is a real tree beats a fake.

Perhaps you only have lukewarm feelings about the tree tradition: Consider taking a year off! This year I’ve decided to forego the tree thing, instead adding holiday touches of my childhood Christmas decorations (they’ve been around for years and have managed to get me in the holiday spirit!)

Posted by Beth

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Beth is a Health and Wellness expert who believes sustainability goes hand-in-hand with self care. She’s the girl whipping up kombucha cocktails at parties, and extolling the benefits of canning vegetables to anyone who will listen. View all posts by Beth Funari
Green Philly

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