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1000 Posts for GPB: 7 Lessons Learned about Blogging
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1000 Posts for GPB: 7 Lessons Learned about Blogging

GPB 1000 blog postsBig news today: This post is the 1000th post we’ve published on Green Philly Blog!

We just celebrated 5 years of publishing in July and have seen blogging evolve tons since we started.

Although we’re typically not a behind-the-scenes publication, I’ve decided to make an exception in today’s post. More people have recently asked me for advice/opinions and maybe it’s time to mix it up a bit.

Whether you want to get into blogging or maybe have started (but haven’t quite latched on yet), here’s a few gems I’ve learned over the years.

7 Lessons Learned about Blogging from 1000 Posts:

1. Write about something you love. The more you genuinely care about a topic, the more you’ll want to learn, read, watch, and discuss it. That will come through in your writing.

2. Your first few posts will suck. It will take some time to find your voice. Looking back on our first few posts is impossible for me, because I cringe at reading them. But writing improves your style, and your blog will become better over time.
3. Blogging is a marathon, not a sprint. Just like long-distance running and day drinking, blogging takes pacing, stamina and determination. Focusing on long-term goals is better than short-term results.
4. Experimentation is key. Some of the most fun posts to write are total flops for readers. And some of the posts I think no one will care for will get shared across the social media-verse constantly.
5. Keep tabs on the basics. It sure helps that I work on digital marketing full-time, but knowing the basics of SEO, social media and WordPress are crucial for blogging success.
6. You’ll get by with a little help from your friends. I don’t literally mean the friends you have now (although I do have some amazing support and surprising cheerleaders). Building a network of writers, experts in your field and ‘fans’ will come in handy for stories and promotion.
7. Don’t give up. There will be days that you despise blogging and think your blog has 0 readers that care. Everyone goes through these moments, but get inspiration where you can. There will be moments that make it all worthwhile.

Note: I didn’t write all 1000 of these posts, since the big G is due to collaboration with my co-blogger Beth, and with contributions from interns Alex, Ashley and guest bloggers.


Still curious about blogging or need advice? Send me an email at


Photo: Green Philly Blog


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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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