Debuting Our New Logo!
Oh hey there, new logo.
Although we liked the hot mess of our previous logo, it was time for a makeover as we hinted in our blogiversary.
We thought long and hard about what captured the essence of Green Philly. It was next to impossible: sustainability isn’t only recycling, plants, trees or simply a bike. And although we like to think of Philly as the center of our worlds, it’s not the center of everyone’s world.
Plus, we’ve evolved. We began as a blog to rant and help a few people out with recycling. We’ve blossomed into a larger website, with changing perceptions of sustainability and new columns debuting. So we dropped blog from our logo, although it will remain as our URL.
So, why William Penn on a bicycle? Well, we love Willy. Founder of our city, supporter of independence and a peek of the past, combined with tiny actions of modern sustainability: biking and planting our urban gardens. He just felt right at home here.
Sustainability: Timeless. Clean. Unlimited possibilities.
Our awesome designer, Katharine Friedgen, created this gem and has way more in the works. But we’ll wait on those details. 😉
Readers, what do you think? What do you want to see for Green Philly moving forward? Tell us in the comments.