New Years Resolution Idea: Eco-Booze for your Celebrations
Every Thanksgiving and Christmas, my family toasts with delicious Colorado Whiskey or Crown Royal.
No matter what poison you pick, you can make sure you’re making smart, green choices in 2011. What’s even available on the eco-friendly liquor shelf?
Vodka: My rendezvous with Vodka 360 was a gift from my favorite co-blogger – It was quite de-lish, smooth & eco-friendly. (Plus, the bottle is fun.)

Square One Vodka is the world’s 1st organic rye vodka, using soy-based inks on their labels, plus its square-shaped bottle cuts CO2.
Rain Organic Vodka is a personal favorite of mine AND gluten-free, made from 100% organic white corn.  Flavors like Cucumber Lime, Honey Mango Melon, Red Grape Hibiscus & Lavender Lemonade give quite the fruity selection.
VeeV Acai Spirit wheat-based voka is the 1st certified carbon-neutral spirits company & best-selling new US liquor brand in 2010.
Whiskey: Death’s Door White Whisky by Madison, Wisconsin is sourced by organic wheat, reused hot water from the still to heat mash, and supplies free mash to feed local dairy cows. All crops have organic certification.
Tequila: Del Maguey resides from Oaxaca, Mexico and is sure to please with its organic certification.
4 Copas Tequila creates its 100% organic blue agave spirits with no chemicals and on a certified organic plant.
Gin: Juniper Green Organic Gin has a distinct flavor of organic juniper berries, coriander, angelica root & savory in this delight from central London town.
Rum: Flor de Cana is a Nicaraguan green dream, as the distillery recycles and reuses 100% of its byproducts. The sugar mill (making molasses) generate up to 30% of Nicaragua’s electricity, reducing the country’s foreign oil dependence. Talking about some smart choices!…
Fair-Trade Papaguyo Organic Rum from Paraguay is produced from pesticide-free, organic sugarcane by an organic farming practice.
*None of these brands were endorsements nor free samples (unfortunately) by Green Philly Blog.
Posted by Julie