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Crispy CSA Cauliflower Recipe

Crispy CSA Cauliflower Recipe

CSA crispy cauliflower recipOK, I’ll be honest. I used to hate cauliflower.

Growing up, I remember having the often awful, frozen broccoli / cauliflower / carrot steamed mix repeatedly. And got so sick of the mini-tree’d veggies. (Sorry Mom & Dad!)

But I found a Crispy Cauliflower Recipe that changed my perception forever. Plus, CSA cauliflower is so damn fresh and flavorful, I can’t praise it enough. If you have a CSA or stop by your farmer’s market and spot that white, floury veggie, I demand you make this. Right now.

I’ll help you with my little secret. You can make this Spanish-inspired dish either as an appetizer or side, although you’ll probably devour it like I did.

CSA Crispy Cauliflower Recipe

  • 1/2 cauliflower, broken into small ‘florets’.
  • 2 TB – whole-wheat flour
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • Sunflower or vegetable oil (for frying.)
  • 1 tsp of red wine or sherry vinegar
  • 1 TB – capers, squeezed dry & chopped
  • 1 TB chopped thyme. (or parsley.)
  • Salt & pepper.
  1. Toss cauliflower in boiling water for a few minutes, so it softens slightly – but doesn’t get soggy.
  2. Mix the flour, paprika, vinegar & salt & pepper.
  3. Drain cauliflower for a minute until water isn’t dripping. Toss it in the flour mixture.
  4. Heat up the veggie oil and throw the cauliflower in. Ignore the fact that you’re adding calories by frying and not doing something more healthy.
  5. Fry the cauliflower for a few minutes until golden & crispy. They will look beautiful.
  6. Toss on the sherry vinegar, capers and thyme (in my case) or parsley. Serve and enjoy.


Cauliflower recipe found & modified, originally from the Guardian.

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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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