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10 posts

WELL Workshop + Tour

We spend 90% of our time indoors. It should come as no surprise that the indoor environment greatly impacts our health and wellness. How can spaces be designed to promote wellbeing and productivity? What type of lighting can help our...
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?Wellness Saturday: Forest? ?Bathing? ?

Shinrin-Yoku, which translates to “forest bathing,” is a traditional Japanese form of nature therapy. From the immune boosts of calming compounds given off by trees to the improved mood, energy, and overall well-being offered, forest bathing helps us find healing through...
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Tea Blending Workshop with Terra Luna Herbals

Join local herbalist and urban farmer Elise Hanks of Terra Luna to learn the basics of herbal tea blending. Create a personal tea blend and learn how to begin your very own at-home apothecary. Price includes hot tea refreshments, take-home...
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Day-Off Camp: Rock On!

When schools are closed, we’re open! Bring your kids to the Schuylkill Center for a day of fun and exploration. Become a junior geologist as we break out the hammers and chisels to examine rocks and minerals up close. Learn...
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Wellness Saturday: Forest Bathing

Shinrin-Yoku, which translates to “forest bathing,” is a traditional Japanese form of nature therapy. From the immune boosts of calming compounds given off by trees to the improved mood, energy, and overall well-being offered, forest bathing helps us find healing...
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Wellness Walk

Bid July farewell with some outdoor exercise on the trails. The walk will be led at a moderate pace; be prepared for uneven terrain.
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Health & Beauty

7 Easy Steps to Become a Morning Person

Okay, becoming a morning person may not be high on your list of goals, but indulge us for a second. Consider your answers to these questions: Do you feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to tackle your ever-growing to-do list? Do you spend the first hour of your day feeling groggy and resenting the morning? Is caffeine an absolute nonnegotiable in order to feel like a human?   Most of us can probably answer  'yep' to at least one. You may think being a night owl suits you just fine, or maybe you find those who chirp about the "early bird" annoying. That may be the case, but studies consistently show that there's a slew of advantages to being an early riser including a more optimistic outlook, better ability to anticipate problems, and even an easier commute. Find out more about the advantages of waking up early, and how to become a morning person:
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Green Philly

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