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9 posts

Blending With Intention: A Custom Tea Make & Take

Here’s what to expect: Location: Northern Liberties, an artistic neighborhood just north of Old City. Format: Self-guided with interactive elements, similar to ‘choose your own adventure.’ Host: Becky provides guidance and shares expertise, tea & herbs . Activities: Sample custom...
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Princess and the Frogs Tea Party

Princesses, Princes, and Frog Lovers of all ages are cordially invited to Riverbend’s Tea Party. Dress your best and enjoy an afternoon that’s all about amphibians: stories, crafts, and an animal encounter with Riverbend’s Green Tree Frog ambassadors. Guests will...
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Blending with Intention Make & Take at RTR

Head over to Northern Liberties and snag the most thoughtful gift for your loved ones. The Random Tea Room is offering a Holiday Make & Take on Saturday December 10th and 17th from 1-4pm. Tickets and timing are limited so...
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Tea Blending Workshop with Terra Luna Herbals

Join local herbalist and urban farmer Elise Hanks of Terra Luna to learn the basics of herbal tea blending. Create a personal tea blend and learn how to begin your very own at-home apothecary. Price includes hot tea refreshments, take-home...
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Day-Off Camp: Rock On!

When schools are closed, we’re open! Bring your kids to the Schuylkill Center for a day of fun and exploration. Become a junior geologist as we break out the hammers and chisels to examine rocks and minerals up close. Learn...
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Wellness Saturday: Forest Bathing

Shinrin-Yoku, which translates to “forest bathing,” is a traditional Japanese form of nature therapy. From the immune boosts of calming compounds given off by trees to the improved mood, energy, and overall well-being offered, forest bathing helps us find healing...
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Sustainable Travels

A Hike in Hawaiian Paradise

Over the past few weeks I was very fortunate to enjoy a blissful vacation in Hawaii. I fell in love with surfing, the unbelievably fresh local food and the incredible landscape. The combination of the crystal aquamarine ocean and the huge, expansive mountains was in a word, gorgeous. We visited Maui, Kauai, and Waikiki - and enjoyed a bit of a different experience on each island. I was so excited to take advantage of the terrain in our first stop, Maui, I immediately booked a hike through the rain forest. Equipped with backpacks filled with water, lunch and bug spray our friendly tour guide led us to wilderness. I anticipated it would be interesting but I had no idea that we'd learn so much. Here's some of the learning and findings from our Hawaiian rain forest experience...
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Health & Beauty

Tea Time: 4 Simple Ways to Green Your Habit

Did you know tea is the second most consumed beverage next to water in the US? If you’re a tea drinker you probably know its health benefits are numerous. Most teas contain high levels of antioxidants. And, tea has been said to help lower bad cholesterol and may even help heart disease. How can you make a good choice even better? Here's 4 ways to green your tea habit:
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Quick Tips

Tea Made Greener

As I’m touring in Japan & drinking ample green tea, I thought this post on one of our favorite beverages appropriate… Are you a daily tea drinker?  Switch to loose tea in a reusable tea ball or through a strainer...
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Green Philly

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