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It’s Not Easy Being Green…But Using Wind Power is a Piece of Cake!
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It’s Not Easy Being Green…But Using Wind Power is a Piece of Cake!

local wind
Local wind! Highland North Wind Farm in Cambria County, PA.

This is our final installment in the guest posts from Dave Greene of Clean Currents.

It’s not easy being green. Especially in a society that keeps begging you to buy stuff you don’t need, eat food that isn’t really food, and use up fossil fuels like there’s no tomorrow.

Well guess what, if we keep on burning fossil fuels there may actually be no tomorrow! I know, I know, it’s scary, but we have to face the fact that we’re seriously messing up this planet we’re so lucky to call home.

Lucky for you, even though it’s not easy being green in general, there’s one incredibly easy thing you can do to slash your carbon footprint and help pave the way for a better world: switch to wind power.

Advantages of Wind Power

Wind-powered energy is carbon-free, efficient, available anywhere you can stick a turbine, and there’s no way we can ever use it up. The wind will keep blowing as long as this planet has an atmosphere. It’s one of the best renewable sources of power available for running all your gizmos. There’s enough wind power potential on the east coast alone to power the entire country.

But don’t stop there. Switch to wind power provided by a company whose whole business model is sustainable! That’s right folks, I’m talking about my parents, Clean Currents. The first B Corporation selling completely green energy to consumers who care.

How to Make the Switch

So, when I say it’s easy to switch to wind power, I mean easy. Easy as falling off a bike (which, by the way, I hope never happens to you).

Here’s the scoop: you have the power to choose your power supplier. You’ll keep the same reliability of power and the same bill from good ol’ PECO, but Clean Currents will be supplying your power.

That means, with every dollar you spend to keep those lights on, you’re supporting 100% wind power sourced from our favorite state – Pennsylvania.

I told you it would be easy: 2 minutes online, same bill, but brand new, local, clean, awesome wind power. The planet — and your conscience — will thank you.

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