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PartSelect Takes ‘ReUse’ and ‘Recycle’ a Step Further

Unless you’re exceptionally handy it’s pretty darn frustrating when your household appliances go kaput.

A dishwasher, microwave, washer or dryer on the fritz can be incredibly inconvenient. But, just because an appliance isn’t cooperating doesn’t mean you need to rush out and buy new. allows consumers to figure out if their problem can be fixed by replacing a part. More often than not this is the case. This means saving a boatload of money, and allows you to sustain the life of your purchases. This process makes doing-it-yourself so simple.

How does it work? Go to and enter the model number of your appliance. If you need help finding the number PartSelect provides diagrams of common locations for model numbers on conventional appliances.

You can search for the part you need by symptoms, name, or by location of the part. PartSelect provides diagrams for each section of the appliance so even the most repair-challenged among us can find exactly what we’re looking for. They also give detailed instructions for installation.

Last week when my washing machine wasn’t working I used PartSelect to troubleshoot the problem. Truth: it was much easier than I expected. I discovered it was the ‘washer pump’ that was broken. The washer pump part was only $40. versus hundreds to thousands of dollars for a new washing machine.

I hate thinking of all the appliances that end up rotting in landfills. I’m discovering a quick search and a little do-it-yourself work can help alleviate this problem.

The word recycling may invoke images of cans, bottles, newspapers, cell phones and computers perhaps… but the concept can be expanded to so much more. This year one of my eco-resolutions is to think of new ways to extend the lifeline of products around the home. PartSelect is a company that will undoubtedly be helpful in helping achieve this goal.

Posted by Beth
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Beth is a Health and Wellness expert who believes sustainability goes hand-in-hand with self care. She’s the girl whipping up kombucha cocktails at parties, and extolling the benefits of canning vegetables to anyone who will listen. View all posts by Beth Funari
Green Philly

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