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Philadelphia Streets Department Reveals UnLitter Movement

Yesterday the Philadelphia Streets Department announced the launch of UnLitter Us- a sustained initiative and movement to rid Philadelphia of litter and create clean, beautiful and safe blocks.

“With UnLitter Us, we are addressing the problem of litter head-on,” said Streets Commissioner Clarena I.W. Tolson. “Through the use of spoken word artists and comprehensive community programs, we aim to inspire pride and action in all Philadelphians to join the movement for a litter free city.”

The spoken word artists perform original poems that express their frustration with litter and their dream of seeing it stopped. Their words are featured in UnLitter Us messages on TV, radio, web and public transit that debuted across the city March 29th.

The Philadelphia Streets Department will work closely with community leaders to bring UnLitter Us to the ground level, showing Philadelphia residents how they can help tackle the city’s litter problem.

Planned programs include: anti-litter seminars, Litter Free Zones, Litter Free School Zones, anti-litter rallies, business ambassador programs and an expansion of the Philadelphia More Beautiful Committee’s (PMBC) Clean Block program. We’ll keep you posted as these plans are defined.

Philly residents – join the movement! Get involved on your block – visit the Streets Department to take the UnLitter pledge .

 You can also show support through social media networks –  check out and twitter@unlitterus. The Street’s Department’s hope is that these platforms can help provide an outlet to address the city’s litter problem.

We look forward to positive action toward a cleaner and safer Philadelphia.

Posted by Beth

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Beth is a Health and Wellness expert who believes sustainability goes hand-in-hand with self care. She’s the girl whipping up kombucha cocktails at parties, and extolling the benefits of canning vegetables to anyone who will listen. View all posts by Beth Funari
Green Philly

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