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Sustainability Minor at St. Joseph’s University: The Hawk Goes Green

Sustainability Minor at St. Joseph’s University: The Hawk Goes Green

Is the Hawk going green?Saint_Joseph_s_University_sign-1

As Julia Knable mentioned in our previous green degrees post, sustainability options in Philadelphia are becoming extremely popular and useful. Temple, Villanova, UPenn, and Drexel all have programs to encourage students to green their degree.

St. Joseph’s University Sustainability Minor

One school in particular that I would like to call attention to is my college, Saint Joseph’s University. Due to recent chaos with admissions issues and March madness, my current classmates are neglecting to notice some of the really great green that is around them. And it is right on our very own campus!

For anyone, SJU is offering a fantastic environmental and sustainability studies minor, run by director Jonathon Fingerut. As he says on the Saint Joe’s website,

“The environmental and sustainability studies minor helps students understand how the environment plays a role in their profession and how their profession can affect the environment. With the growing need to integrate sustainable practices in every aspect of our lives, a solid understanding of these interactions is becoming a critical job skill.”

SJU’s environmental and sustainability studies minor helps students better grasp the environment’s role in our lives. Since the program started about 16 years ago, students taking on this program can expect a new perception on environmental ethics, current issues and possible resolutions.

This program only currently holds a handful of students taking on this incredible minor. What are these current hawk (and potential) students waiting for?

How can the sustainability minor benefit students from different majors? 

Let’s check out some examples. Marketing majors can work for environmental firms/companies. The Political Science majors can work for lobbyist firms representing the environment and related companies. Even the education majors can teach beyond textbook science, specializing about current issues and how to live more responsibility. Whether you’re studying economics, communication, international relations or business, I think you get the picture. SJU’s minor opens up career options for students in legal, patent bar, policy making, FDA and much more.

This program gives students the opportunity to have a unique, in-depth sustainability background that sets them apart from the crowd, opening a whole new door of opportunities to help better the world AND a great salary.

 Interested in applying to SJU? For more information on the program, check out SJU’s website.


Photo: Wikimedia

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