Monster Milers: Run a PAWS Shelter Dog
Although living in the city is great, there are occasionally downfalls… such as endless supermarket lines, loads of Pizza options circa 2 AM and pesky leases that prohibit dogs.
Don’t fret dog-lovers… there’s a program that allows you to “time-share” dogs… ethically.
Monster Milers
The Monster Milers is a group of runners who run the PAWS (Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society) dogs to “connect Philadelphia runners with homeless dogs as running companions”. Benefits for the pups are giving them exercise, time out of the shelter, and a little bit of runner’s love. The running outlet for these canine pals have resulted in less frantic behavior when adopters meet them – and much faster adoptions.
Founder of the group, Carrie Maria is owner of the Monster Minders Dog Walking… and even came up with this amazing idea on a run of hers! USA Today, Runners World and a lots of news media have done stories on the Monster Milers’ volunteer efforts.

Because of my current lack of dog ownership ability under present circumstances hectic schedule and love of dogs, I started volunteering with this group last Fall. All of the dogs I run are absolutely incredible and always so excited for some ‘people’ time.
Bad stereotypes about pit bulls? Just spend 1 run with dogs like Emerson or Chelsey, and realize it’s just a bad rap for these happy lovebugs. (Post-runs, I love stretching and hanging with the dogs – although they occasionally think they’re lap dogs during a belly rub.) PAWS takes in and adopts all breeds, but Philly is a pit-loving city. Besides, who wouldn’t want a 60-80 lb dog to kick their ass and step up their exercise regime? Luckily I can’t adopt a dog currently, or I’d probably turn into a PAWS dog hoarder featured on Animal Planet. (kidding! ;-))
How to Volunteer with Shelter Dogs & Monster Milers
Want to volunteer or simply help support the Monster Milers program? Check out the Monster Milers website, Facebook, and Twitter! Also, stay tuned for the upcoming benefit run: the Rescue Run 5K – currently in planning stages.