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Greenfest Philly 2013 – Photo Recap

Greenfest Philly 2013 – Photo Recap

Greenfest Philly 2013 plastic bag monster
Posing with our Plastic Bag monster Shawn

Did you make it to the hottest green event of the weekend? Greenfest Philly 2013, hosted by Clean Air Council, took Headhouse by storm on Sunday for thousands of attendees.

The day was full of gorgeous weather, enthusiastic participants and greenies of all ages. The outdoor beer garden was booming with partakers. Bands entertained us as a few festival showcasers entertained us while sharing their green initiatives. Nonprofits, vendor booths and more helped attendees become a little more green.

Once again, we were thrilled to host a table at Greenfest Philly. Thank you to all of the readers (and non) that stopped by our booth and talked plastic bags, signed the petition and posed with our friendly plastic bag monsters. Want to find out more about our plastic bag efforts? We launched Ditch The Bag in partnership with Clean Air Council, Clean Water Action, PennFuture & PennEnvironment. Didn’t stop by our booth? Sign the petition for less plastic bags in Philadelphia AND Tweet your City Council member about plastic bags – we found the Twitter handles & suggestions for you.

I’d like to thank our Plastic Bag Monsters, Steve Ross (for a second year in a row) and Shawn Dougherty of the Clean Air Council. Both of them were enthusiastic to be wearing 500 plastic bags in suit form, dancing, smiling and hamming it up for many photo ops.

Enjoy our Greenfest Philly 2013 photo recap:

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Congrats to our readers Vivian, Erika & Barry for winning the Greencard VIP passes!

Readers, what was your Greenfest Highlight?

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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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