City CoHo is Philly’s 1st Green Co-Working Space – Local Spotlight

Looking for a sustainable place to work with friends?
City CoHo is the largest and only green co-working space in Philadelphia. Based in Center City, it hosts to sustainable professionals, environmentally conscious businesses, and green events.
We sat down with Max Zahniser and Drew Foulkes, the co-founders and managers of City CoHo, to talk about the business, progress, and what’s up next.
After a few years of deliberation, City CoHo opened its doors as a co-working space for the city’s environmental and technological professionals this past January. The centrally located LEED candidate building on Walnut Street offered a perfect place for the two worlds to meet: the epicenter of Philly’s higher education West of the Schuylkill and business from the East.
Complete with a green roof, rainwater collection, bike racks, and other sustainable features, City CoHo not only hosts Philly’s sustainable businesses but is also one itself. Partnered with the Sustainability Nexus, City CoHo attempts to reduce the confusion, redundancy, and disintegration between environmental and social groups working for the same goals – instead, bringing businesses together to collaborate.

City CoHo Projects
City CoHo hosts a plethora of events and projects to connect and promote sustainability in Philly.
SPARC (Sustainable Philadelphia Alliance for Regional Campuses), is a group of student sustainability leaders from Temple University, Drexel University, St. Joe’s, Villanova, and the University of Pennsylvania. Every other week they meet in the co-working spaces to talk about student-led programs, campus campaigns, and green student projects.
In addition, City CoHo supports and organizes a sustainability discourse and project development workshop. The workshop are open to all emerging professionals, students, and entrepreneurs. Groups can create projects and new businesses/organizations by working merging environment and technology. For example, the Student Startup Summit and a previous Carol Stanford workshop.
Check out City CoHo’s calendar for cool upcoming events.

Get involved
Individuals can work independently or join with the multiple other businesses and groups that rent and work in City CoHo.
The best type of people that fit into this sustainable, co-working atmosphere are people that share the same values of social and environmental nature (afterall, poverty affects sustainability, too.)! After all, sustainability is all humans and nature coexisting in a productive harmony.
City CoHo welcomes a variety of start-ups and small businesses into its co-working spaces. Open to more than just environmentally-geared organizations, Mark and Drew hold their space as a sustainability hub for uniting education and opportunity. Connectedness and community among the spaces member’s are part of the pair’s ideals for the organization’s growth.
Want to visit the space? Check out City CoHo’s calendar for cool upcoming events.
Become a member
Want to be part of City CoHo’s community? You can become a member to use the space, whether just for the day or for full time access. You can even book conference room spaces for your meetings too!
- 2401 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19103
- Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
- *24/7 access is provided, but after-hours use is limited to specific office areas.*