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YOU Can Make Mayor’s Office of Sustainability Permanent with Bill No. 130878

YOU Can Make Mayor’s Office of Sustainability Permanent with Bill No. 130878

Greenworks PhiladelphiaSustainability’s on its way to become a little more permanent in City government, but they need your help!

As we mentioned back in November, Resolution No 130884 is to make the Philadelphia Mayor’s Office of Sustainability Permanent within Philadelphia city government. Director of Sustainability Katherine Gajewski sent an email with an update on the progress.  Councilwoman Reynolds Brown and Councilman Kenney co-sponsored the bill and it was positively voted out of the Committee on Law and Government last week.

The legislation is poised for a second reading and final passage this Thursday, May 8th. Since the legislation proposes a change to the City Charter, a 2/3 majority (11 votes) are required for passage. If Council passes the measure, it goes on the November ballot for city voters.

Mayor Nutter created the Office of Sustainability for the Greenworks plan, which has made tremendous progress like adding more farmers markets, bike lanes and more to our streets. Regardless of who’s elected to Mayor next, the office needs to keep trucking on.

How can you help Bill No. 130878?

Call your City Council representative and council members at-large to say you support Bill No. 130878 and Resolution No. 130884, which seek to make the Office of Sustainability permanent. You can talk to the city council member if they’re available OR leave a message with their staff.

Get on it, readers!

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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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