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Honey Festival, Farmers’ Markets, and GreenFest Philly: Weekend Guide: 9/5-9/7

Honey Festival, Farmers’ Markets, and GreenFest Philly: Weekend Guide: 9/5-9/7

Photo by GreenFest Philly
Photo by GreenFest Philly

Happy Friday!

Hopefully you took advantage of the wildflower walks, kayaking, and green drinks this short work week. If not we have several great events going on this weekend. If you’re looking to visit farmers’ markets, child-friendly activities, garden tours or green festivals we have the guide for you!

Here’s what’s on our calendar from September 5th – September 7th:

  • Seedlings Parent & Child Outdoor Program: Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education is hosting parent-and-child activities to promote nature and environmental awareness on Friday, September 5th. Children, ages 2-5, will join in nature-inspired activities and get a sneak peak of the Nature Preschool from 2-3pm. Adult participation and pre-registration is required. Tickets cost $6 for members and $8 for non-members. 8480 Hagy’s Mill Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19128
  • Headhouse Farmers’ Market: More than 40 vendors will be attending the Headhouse Farmers’ Market on Saturday, September 6th, from 10am-2pm. Along with the abundance of fresh produce, you can also find a great selection of locally prepared foods and artisanal goods such as soups, ice cream, flowers, herbs, honey, goat cheese, meat, milk, coffee, and wine. Headhouse Square, 2nd & Lombard
  • Bike Rodeo: The United Community Clinic (UCC) is hosting a bike course, health fair, fun activities, and BBQ for children on Saturday, September 6th, from 10am – 1pm. While at the rodeo, children can learn how to tune and fix their bikes while parents can enter a raffle to win free bike helmets and other prizes! Admission is free. Philadelphia Pumptrack, 5300 Parkside Avenue
  • Saturdays @SCEE: The Schuylkill Center is once again hosting naturalist-led storytime and old-fashioned games on Saturday, September 6th. Children will be taken on a hike, catch tadpoles, watch butterflies, and explore the woods from 10:30–11:30am. Admission is free. 8480 Hagy’s Mill Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19128
  • South Philly Garden Tour: The South Philly Food Co-op is sponsoring the fourth annual Garden Tour. On Saturday, September 6th, from 1–4pm,the SPFC will tour more than 16 gardens (including South Philly’s only Japanese tea garden). Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. Blocks between 2nd and 10th, and Fitzwater and Moore.
  • GREENFEST PHILLY!: The Clean Air Council is hosting the 9th Annual GreenFest Philly – Philadelphia’s LARGEST environmental festival! On Sunday, September 7th, from 10am–5pm, over 100 exhibitors and vendors will gather to teach and learn about sustainability. Some activities at the festival will include shopping for local green wares, great food, live music, live demonstrations, kid-friendly activities, and more! Historic Headhouse Square
  • Wildflower Walks: On Sunday, September 7th, Bowman’s Wildflower Reserve is hosting guided walks through Bowman’s picturesque gardens. Guests will learn about the Reserve’s history, habitats, and plant interactions from 2-3pm. Tours are free with admission! 1635 River Road, New Hope.
  • Philadelphia Honey Festival: All weekend, from September 5th-7th, Wyck Historic House is hosting this year’s Honey Festival. From 10am-4pm, the festival will raise awareness about the importance of honey bees to our environment, food supply and economy while to promoting urban beekeeping and gardening. 6026 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144

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Originally from Rochester, New York, Grace studies Communications at Saint Joseph’s University. Green from birth, she grew up wearing reusable cloth diapers and eating co-op vegetables. She's always been conscious of humanity’s impact on the environment. She hopes to eventually form a career as a way to advocate her ethical & sustainability principles. View all posts by Grace Rieck
Green Philly

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