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Upcoming Green Living Event – 10/26/08 – Philadelphia

What? Building Open Opportunity Structures Together (We Are BOOST) is hosting a special community event of Green Living Panel & Community Discussion, “Why Live Green? Options and Opportunities for Better Jobs, Careers, Housing, Business, and Education.”  There will be a Q&A session, Brewery tour, giveaways, appetizer buffet (included), and networking following the panel presentation. A cash bar will also be available.

When? Sunday, October 26th from 3PM – 6PM

Where?  Dock Street Brewery, at 701 S. 50th Street (50th & Baltimore Avenue) in West Philadelphia, PA. 
The event will include panel and community discussion featuring topics by seven sustainability, conservation, and green living community leaders.  Also featuring special guest appearance by Christopher Zelov of the Knossus Project and director of the eco-education film, City21, which explores the green initiatives that are shaping the 21st Century City.  

Topics during the event include:

“Why Live Green? Real Reasons and Rationales for Clean, Green Homes”, “LEED for Homes and Energy Conservation Strategies,” “Leaders of the Next Generation: Youth and Sustainability,” “ELP: 21st Century Community-Building and Social Capital Creation,” “Protecting Our Watersheds and Improving Recycling in Philadelphia,” “Walk Softly and Save Wisely: Reduce Your Carbon Footprint,” and “Waste-Stream Treasures: What You Throw Away Does Not Go Away!”
$35 per person/$30 group rate (5+)/$15 children under 12.  Tickets will be available at the door ($40) if this event does not sell out.
For more information or to register, click here or call (206) 202-2883, or
Additional Info: Since 2007, Building Open Opportunity Structures Together (BOOST) has planned, promoted, and coordinated over 50 forums, initially in the Trenton-Mercer County region.  As a result of the demand for green design and green building education in the Philadelphia region, BOOST is happy to offer a series of informational presentations on environmentally responsible design and sustainability in the city of Philadelphia.  They have developed a speakers’ bureau that includes academics, architects, business owners and entrepreneurs as well as professionals and practitioners. Within this bureau, speakers have expertise in areas ranging from green building and sustainable community design to personal and organizational leadership capacity building.  For more information, visit the website and Blog.

Posted by Julie

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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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