These warm December temperatures outside? Blame Climate Change.
No, these 60 degree days aren’t normal for December. As much as we may enjoy them…
Temperatures this week have been creeping into the 60s in mid-December. More Americans understand that climate change is happening, and warming December temperatures are a part of that trend.
Trying to convince your hesitant neighbor? Just look at these charts from Climate Central.

Speaking of warmer temperatures, you might want to retire “White Christmas” from your holiday playlist. The “12 days” of Christmas (Dec 25 through January 5th) have been warming since 1969, with an average of 5.2 degrees increase in Philadelphia. Winter has been the fastest-warming season for most of the US, meaning you’ll likely see a rainy Christmas instead.

Get used to it: warming is the new normal and will continue to warm.

You can embrace a more sustainable holiday season to reduce your carbon footprint. Give locally sourced (hint: here’s a local list to buy almost anything)) and experience-based gifts, forego traditional wrapping paper, and use LED holiday lighting.
Cover photo: Cheering during a warmer holiday season – courtesy of Assembly Rooftop Lounge