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Streets Department & Recyclebank Win Statewide Nod

Streets Department & Recyclebank Win Statewide Nod

Streets Department & Recyclebank receive 2014 Pennsylvania Waste Watchers Award.

Phila Streets Department Recycling Planner Ian Hegarty with Recyclebank’s Virginia Cain and their shiny new award.

Our own Philadelphia Streets Department and Recyclebank won the 2014 Pennsylvania Waste Watchers Award for their Hunting Park Recycles Initiative. The Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania (PROP) recognizes Pennsylvania’s best recycling programs annually.

The Hunting Park Recycles Initiative ran January 2013 – March 2013 with goals to increase recycling, decrease trash and bring awareness to both the city’s curbside recycling and Philadelphia Recycling Rewards programs.

Recyclebank & Phila Streets rocked it out in Hunting Park Recycles by:

  • Distributed 675 recycling bins.
  • Presentations to approximately 500 students to promote good recycling habits, explain how trash and recyclables work in waste streams and encouraged environmental consciousness.
  • Custom-tailored communication including a bilingual handout highlighting HOW, WHAT and WHY to recycle; seven easy ways to reduce waste.
  • Door-to-door canvassing campaign that educated residents of the City’s recycling requirements.
  • Worked closely with neighborhood orgs.

Props to Streets Dept & Recyclebank!

Streets Department & recyclebank win 2014 recycling award
2014 PROP Recipients include (L to R): Phil Bresee, Streets Depart Recycling Director; Virginia Cain, Recyclebank’s Community Outreach Coordinator; Donald Carlton, Deputy Streets Commissioner of Sanitation; David Perri, P.E., Streets Commissioner


Are you confused with what to recycle in Philadelphia? Our recycling guide & Where Can I Wednesday column breaks it down.

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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
Green Philly

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