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Philly COVID Resources

Philly COVID Resources

Looking for resources during COVID-19? Here’s a master list.

Unsure of where to look for resources during coronavirus? Green Philly compiled all the essentials in one place to make it easier for you to get the info you need.

Latest Government & Health Guidelines

World Health Organization (WHO)guidelines & advice

City of Philadelphiacoronavirus (COVID-19) updates & guidelines

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) – Guidelines

What to do if you display symptoms: Call your physician, or call your nearest emergency department and speak to a medical professional and ask for guidance.

Here is a list of urgent care facilities and healthcare centers in Philadelphia.

Keeping Clean

washing hands
Photo by Jason Jarrach on Unsplash

When and how to wash your handsCDC guidelines

Do green cleaning products work?Philly Inquirer evaluation of green products. TL:DR:

  • All kinds of soap work against viruses.
  • Be cautious when using a cleaning product that it isn’t advertised as a disinfectant.
  • Vinegar and baking soda don’t work against viruses.

P.S. When you’re done cleaning, don’t flush those used Clorox wipes down the toilet.

Trash & Recycling

City trash and recycling services are on a regular schedule at this time. Private compost services are on schedule at this time.

Shopping for food & other household essentials

*Note, as the COVID-19 situation evolves, some retailers may adjust their hours and policies.

Where to get local fresh food:

Mainstream markets – like Trader Joe’s – and pharmacies remain open with some adjustments.

Many locations have instituted elderly hours, installed plastic shields at registers and added marks to the floor to show where to stand in line so you’re 6′ away from other customers, and are also limiting the number of customers inside at one time.

A few more shopping notes: reuseable bags may be used, but some precautions are necessary to be safe and there’s no need to buy bottled water. The tap is safe and saves you money.

Where to support local farmers:

Recipe guides and inspo:

Make the Most of Your Pandemic Pantry:

Quick Tip: How to remove arsenic from your rice according to treehugger:

  • Soak your rice overnight – this opens up the grain and allows the arsenic to escape.
  • Drain the rice and rinse thoroughly with fresh water.
  • For every part rice add 5 parts water and cook until the rice is tender – do not allow it to boil dry.
  • Drain the rice and rinse again with hot water to get rid of the last of the cooking water.


Pa. Gov Tom Wolf, along with many other U.S. state leaders, told residents to limit all nonessential travel, avoid public transportation when possible, and skip social gatherings.

It is OK to spend time outside, as long as you continue to practice social distancing. That means avoiding popular trails and taking some other precautions.

Here’s the latest from local public transit agencies and a National Recreation and Parks Association’s explainer on social distancing outdoors.

courtesy of National Recreation and Parks Association



Small Business

Stay updated with the PDIC: small business support.

Merchants Fund: consider making a donation to support merchants and small businesses in Philadelphia.

Philadelphia Department of Commerce: Small business relief fund

Photo by Fusion Medical Animation on Unsplash

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Melissa is majoring in Communications and Public Relations and minoring in Psychology at Villanova University. She is a marketing/event planning intern at Green Philly, but when she is not working, her favorite pastimes are performing with her A Cappella group or watching college basketball! View all posts by Melissa Molter
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