Green Stimulus Funds & Related Upcoming Events
After President Obama signed the Economic Stimulus Bill on Tuesday, my inbox was flooded with emails from environmental agencies! The great part is the economic package contains $87 billion in green investment funds – which equals the largest investment EVER in green solutions!
Also, $500 million is going towards green jobs training! (I could basically pee my pants from excitement at this point – especially after watching the Eleventh Hour the other night.)
The green excitement won’t be stopping anytime soon. Just because we’re making progress, doesn’t mean it’s over. Here’s a few upcoming events you can attend close to Philly!
Power Shift 09 is mobilizing 10,000 young adults to DC from Fri, Feb 27th to Monday, March 2nd for a green conference weekend. The conference encourages elected officials to continuously improve our green policies as well as enlighten youth as future leaders.
Some of the noteable speakers include Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Congresswoman Donna Edwards, Congressman Ed Markey, Majora Carter, Rocky Anderson, Van Jones, and 1Sky Director Gillian Caldwell. The Roots are also playing. Register on Powershift’s Website.
Can’t commit to the whole weekend or want to hang out with those of all ages? Greenpeace is arranging free travel from Philadelphia to DC on Monday, March 2nd for the Capital Climate Action rally.
Several thousand people are having a peaceful demonstration at Capital Power Plant to protect health of our families, climate & future. Watch the video on YouTube for more info.
Want a free ride or to bond with other Philly natives? Email Jillian or call her at 215.525.0145 or 216.789.7386.
Posted by Julie