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Food Waste ‘Recycling’ Hearing Today in City Council

Food Waste ‘Recycling’ Hearing Today in City Council

Good news for rotting vegetables in Philly today.

The Mayor’s Office of Sustainability recently discovered that we spend $6.1 million per year transferring uneaten food to landfills, and are now considering a composting program like Austin, New York and San Fran. Food waste takes up around 23% of our waste composition, which is pretty comparable to the national average.

City Council Hearing: Food Waste “Recycling” (aka composting)

Councilwoman Cindy Bass and a Joint Committee on Streets & Services and the Environment are holding a hearing today to consider if a food waste recycling (read: composting) would work in Philly, based on Resolution No. 140626. Hearing is at 2 PM, in the City Hall Council Chambers.

This is a step up from the city’s previous garbage disposal campaign. As a loyal Bennett Composter, composting is easy – and you can even compost dryer lint & cat hair. Amazing!

You can RSVP for the hearing today, or just show up.

Experts testifying today include:

  • McGillin’s Old Ale House
  • Philadelphia Prisons
  • Brenda Platt, Institute for Local Self Reliance & US Composting Council
  • RecycleNow Philadelphia

Councilmembers Bass & O’Brien introduced the measure, and it’s co-sponsored by Reynolds Brown and Squilla.


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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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