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#ThisWeekI: Michael Di Tizio

#ThisWeekI: Michael Di Tizio

Who’s ready to kick off their week with some inspiration?

Last week, we debuted our #ThisWeekI column to inspire each other.

Here’s what people around the web were saying:

This week, Michael Di Tizio is sharing his 3 sustainable actions.

I met Michael years ago at Green Drinks in Northern Liberties (when it was my ‘hood), where he ensures participants connect over great beer. In addition to changing his role at work to focus on sustainability, Michael distributes the Green Drinks Delaware Valley website & newsletter to keep us up to date on events and local issues.

Michael Di Tizio

Name: Michael Di Tizio

Neighborhood: Northern Liberties

Occupation: Change Management & Sustainability Specialist at Canon Solutions America

How long have you lived in Philly? All of my life. South Philly born and raised, and every time I come back from traveling, I realize what an amazing, rough-edged, vibrant and improbable place Philly is.  No place even comes close to it.

When did you get involved in sustainability?: I have always had a passion for ecology. My current work has allowed me to leverage that interest in the service of corporate social responsibility, their customers and the communities they serve. Every day is an adventure; knowing that my efforts will help change things and make the world greener.

Michael’s #ThisWeekI

  1. I finally went back to eating vegan again, full time. It’s better  for the planet, animals and my waistline and cardiac health. Plus, there are so many vegan options in downtown CC I can eat happily and humanely.
  2. Developing a workplace sustainability program at the World Bank in DC, where I’ll help them reduce their carbon footprint through 95% elimination of their desktop printer fleet, replacing them with ENERGY STAR Canon printers (a 12-to-1 reduction), reduce their paper and toner consumption, align this program with their internal Corporate Social Responsibility Directives, and make a more efficient, cost conscious and greener workplace.
  3. Reducing my trash. I have my household waste (besides recyclables) reduced to within the contents of a 3-gallon trash can per month. If I can get it down to under a 1 gallon, I will let you know.

Readers, what have you done this week? What are your goals?

Want to inspire others and be featured on an upcoming #ThisWeekI column? Send us an email to and tell us: what did #ThisWeekI inspire you to do? 



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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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