Teacher Appreciation Week: Teach Students to be Green
I loved school. I can still distinctly remember a song from elementary with the mantra “Reduce, Reuse & Recycle… (which may explain a few things.)
Teachers are dedicated individuals who mold our future through their lessons. In honor of our teacher friends & Teacher Appreciation Week (May2-8), we’re sharing ways & resources to help our school’s teachers educate students about being green:
- Use Technology to its Fullest. Have kids respond to blog posts instead of handing in an essay, or create an online document instead of a poster.  Have students send links to articles they’ve read & reviewed via email, instead of printing them out. Use online resources instead of packets… You get the idea.
- Conserve Paper. Print double-sided, or make sure to save any paper printed on one side for scrap paper. (I have a bin at my cube behind me for scrap too!)
- Read The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. This green book is about conservation and can start conversations – Even high schoolers enjoy it!
- Use a projector to read texts. Better: hand out small white boards & markers and have studnets respond on that.
- Create eco-friendly Art.
- Have your Students Draw their Carbon Footprint.
- Recycle Paper. (after you use it.)
- Create a competition – For who can recycle the most or use the least waste.
- Turn off Lights when leaving the classroom.
- Incorporate the Environment into your lessons – regardless of your subject. EcoKids Canada, ChildrenoftheEarth.org, Planetpals, the Environment Site, and Planet Green all have activities, ideas & lesson plans for teachers.
Thanks for all your work, teachers!
Posted by Julie