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Paige Wolf, Green PR Powerhouse #ThisWeekI

Paige Wolf, Green PR Powerhouse #ThisWeekI

PR agents often promote their client’s causes, but Paige Wolf also makes a point to promote sustainability just as much as her clients.

I met Paige years ago, on an all-lady green panel and have followed her projects ever since. She’s enthusiastic, compassionate and an all-star Crossfit mom of two.

Let’s get to know Paige a little better:

Paige Wolf
Photo: Paige Wolf

Name: Paige Wolf
Neighborhood: Washington Square West
Occupation: Publicist, Author, Blogger, Trying to help people live a little greener without losing their minds…
Fav part about Philly? It feels so small and managable – especially when you can walk and bike almost everywhere you want to go.
One thing you think everyone else should try: Join a CSA (community shared agriculture). It will force you to try new and healthy things and learn to be a better cook. And if you don’t feel like you will make the best use of everything, find a friend or neighbor to split your share!

Paige Wolf’s #ThisWeekI deeds:

  • Took my four-year-old out on what we call a “Mitzvah Walk” where we do good deeds. This week we picked up and threw away loads of cigarette butts (ew!)
  • Reported graffiti via the Philly311 App which is easy and works surprisingly well to get things done!
  • Convinced at least three people to switch to natural beauty products, including natural deodorants that work!

Now it’s time to get inspired and do well. Readers, tell us: What have you done this week? What are your goals? Join the convo in the comments below and on Twitter with #ThisWeekI.


Want to inspire others and be featured on an upcoming #ThisWeekI column? Send us an email to and tell us: what did #ThisWeekI inspire you to do? 

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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
Green Philly

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