Improve Your Workout, Help the Environment
Hopefully you’re making progress with your New Years resolutions. Many people’s resolutions have to do with losing weight or getting fit, and working out plays a big role in reaching those goals.
Whether you’re exercising to maintain your hot bod or lose a few LBs, you can choose environmentally friendly alternatives:
- Take it outside. Rather than using a treadmill (producing about 2 pounds of CO2 per 30 minutes), run or bike outside.
- When the temperatures are too cold for a run, try skiing, snowshoeing or shoveling your driveway or front walk.
- Don’t buy bottled water at the gym! Make sure to BYO Reusable bottle.
-  Unless you’re  intensely working out , you don’t necessarily need to wash your gym towel every time. If you’re at the gym for an especially  light workout forgo a towel.
- Encourage energy-producing gyms like this one in Seattle.
- Eat an organic power bar such as Clif Bars or Larabars.
- Look hot in gym clothes made from organic cotton or natural materials such as bamboo
- Have the luxury of a treadmill or elliptical machine with the TV in front of it? Give the TV a rest if you’re not watching, and don’t forget to turn it off when you’re finished.
Posted by Julie