Burt’s Bees Giveaway: 10 FREE Lip Balms in Honor of Philly Champion
Burt’s Bees just found their #1 Lip Balm Fan right here in Philadelphia – and we’re giving 10 of our lucky readers a free lip balm to celebrate! (We’ll tell you how to enter later on in this post.)
It’s easy to love this brand’s story. Burt’s Bees started in the 1991 by a beekeeper (Burt Shavitz) and Roxanne Quimby with the classic Beeswax Lip Balm ‘recipe’ originating from a farmer’s almanac. Worried about hidden chemicals? The EWD gave Burt’s Bees Lip Balm a great score. The 100% natural ingredients means you don’t get a side of petrochemicals, phthalates, paragons or sodium laurel sulfate. Don’t worry about the packing – Burt’s Bees closed the hard-to-recycle loop with a recyclable plastic tube. Just drop it off in Whole Foods Markets Gimme 5 Bins OR mail into Gimme 5 (Preserve Gimme 5, 823 State Route 13, Cortland, NY 13045-6574).
Burt’s Bees recently had a “Raise Your Burt’s” contest to find the #1 Beeswax Lip Balm Fan. Local lady Zia won and will be the new face of the campaign through 2013. We asked our hometown girl a few questions to find out about her new role as a national spokesperson.

Green Philly Blog: How does it feel to represent our hometown in a ‘natural’ Burt Bee’s contest?
Zia:I’m a Philly girl, born and raised and have a lot of Philly pride. There are so many things in this city that have enabled me to lead the kind of life suited for a ‘natural’ champion. I shot my video in a community garden in my area. My family gets our urban honey from our CSA farm Greensgrow. We have a backyard – small by suburban standards, but big enough that we grow our own vegetables and herbs, which we water with our rain barrels. I use my bike to get everywhere I go.
Green Philly Blog: What’s your favorite eco-friendly tip around the house?
Zia: Overall, I can’t think of any mind-blowing eco-tips, but little things really do make a difference. My boyfriend works for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, and he spends a lot of time organizing communities to do their part. He says the biggest challenge he faces is people not doing things like recycling because they don’t feel they are able to make a difference. The reality is that it’s true – one person using a spray bottle instead of an aerosol can doesn’t make the hugest dent, but a ton of people doing any small thing can change everything. If everybody makes some sort of effort toward a greener community, then things can radically change. All you have to do is your part, whatever you can fit into your life, and hopefully other people will do the same.
Green Philly Blog: How did you snag the contest winner title?
Zia: When Burt’s Bees first called to tell me that I had made it to the second round, I said I would rather win this contest than the lottery. Sometimes I wonder if they knew somewhere out there was a little girl sewing lip balm-sized pockets into her bikinis, or pulling five balms out of her boot in the middle of class. I’m not one to make bold claims, but I am, always have been and always will be Burt’s Bees’ Number One Fan.
In honor of Zia’s victory, we’re giving away 10 Burt’s Bees Lip Balms to lucky readers. It’s easy to enter – Just leave a comment on the post below (hint: don’t comment ON rafflecopter) and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and/or Pinterest to increase your chances.
Good luck!