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An Open Letter to the Non-Recycler: in GIFs

An Open Letter to the Non-Recycler: in GIFs

Dear Non-Recycler,

This morning I was in a fabulous mood. Nothing extraordinary happened, minus the fact I was able to do some cleaning and throw the ball around with my cat for a few minutes before work.

Then, I saw it.


A plastic bag. In. The. Trashcan.

Are you trying to give me an ulcer in the 5 months before I turn 30? You’re correct to realize that the plastic bags don’t belong in the recycle bin, but do you see all the plastic bag recycling bins at grocery stores in the tri-state area?

Then I see the plastic soda bottles, aluminum cans, empty Lean Cuisines and the worst: PLASTIC water bottles. In. The. Trash.


Do you refuse to believe that climate change exists like Michele Bachman? Do you want to leave even more garbage for your kids, nephews or friend’s children?

Wake up. It’s 2013, and everything should be: Reduced, reused and recycled. In that order. Stop buying cheap prepared meals, soda and more that goes straight in the trash. You’ll feel better, be healthier and smile more.

smile gif

Next time, please. I beg you. Throw your plastics, aluminum & glass into the recycle bin. It’s 2 feet away from the trash can. It’s single stream, so you don’t have to decide of which item goes where.

And if you buy a Klean Kanteen or SIGG, I’ll be ecstatic. And even bring you a cupcake.




The heartbroken environmentalist turned optimist.

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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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