5 of My Not-So-Green Dirty Secrets
Let’s face it: People in my life generally know about my sustainability addiction within a few days. It’s hard not to mention a project I’m working on, blogging about or the latest ‘eco’ event. I even laid out the extent of 5 of my dirty green habits for the world to see.
Although people proudly inform me of their green habits and reusable bag usage, they also use me as their not-so-green confidant. I’ve heard “I used a plastic water bottle. Will you still be my friend?” more than a few times…
It’s impossible to be completely green and you often have to pick the greenest solutions for you. For example, you may live in the suburbs where there isn’t a train station in sight and choose a hybrid as a compromise.
There’s more un-green secrets we all keep locked up. Here’s 5 of my guilty-green conscious secrets straight from the closet:
- I own and drive a car. Unfortunately my current and previous jobs have been in suburbs, and my current job is NOT by a train station. I’d have to take 3 buses and spend 2 hours for a 30 minute drive. Believe me, I despise traffic, gas prices, and road rage. However, I carpool when possible and rarely drive once my car is parked by my house. Instead, I prefer to walk, take SEPTA or bike instead. It’s almost like I have a company car, but instead it’s my (paid-off) personal car.
- I tend to alternate between organic, natural shampoo and Suave. While my diet consists primarily of CSA (and back-porch) vegetables and organic fruits, I have a budget. I’ll try to stock up if there’s a sale on natural versions (or the product is on clearance), but I’ll gladly swap the $9 , 8 oz “Yes to Carrots” shampoo for the $1.79, 24 oz bottle of Suave on occasion. You have to cut expenses somewhere, right?
- I treasure the occasional Gatorade or Doritos. While I typically shop at Whole Foods for my groceries, there are some products lacking from the shelves: because they’re terrible for you and totally artificial. While I love Coconut water and drink it often, I occasionally indulge in a sugary Gatorade to re-hydrate. Or although I love the 365 brand of White Cheddar pop corn, Doritos have a special place in my mouth (and hips).
- I purchased a plastic, electric, box of death for rodents. After having a mouse problem in my last apartment and seeing tiny occupants scurry in my kitchen, I tried purchasing some ‘humane’ traps. The mice weren’t having any of it, so I finally went on Amazon and bought a “Rat Zapper”. Although I felt horrible about the process, my health and personal (kitchen) space won the battle. Luckily, I now have a furry, pouncing hunter and removed the zapper (and any other hazards).
And my biggest non-green secret is…
- I haven’t settled on a composting solution yet. While I absolutely love the concept, I’ve been debating between paying a third-party to pick it up or figure out a place to keep a compost bin. Up until this point, my previous roommates have been wary and the idea of waking up to a worm-consumed kitchen terrifies me. Any suggestions?
Readers, I’ve spilled my ‘tisk-tisk’ unsustainable habits with you. Now it’s your turn to own up: what not-so-green habit are you hiding?