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5 Benefits of Composting for your Urban Garden

5 Benefits of Composting for your Urban Garden

benefits of compostComposting.  We all hear about how great it is and that we should do it. But what is compost exactly and what are the benefits that make it worthwhile?

Composting 101

Composting is organic matter that has been decomposed and can be used as fertilizer. Many gardeners are beginning to use it, but why?

Here are five benefits of composting:
  1. Adds nutrients to the soil. Compost is humus—nutrient-rich soil. When compost is placed on top of existing soil, it adds nutrients, such as carbon and nitrogen. These nutrients are used by plants for growth and photosynthesis. Adding compost also helps retain water for plant use.
  2. Introduces valuable organisms to the soil. Microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, decompose organic material. The presence of microorganisms is vital because they aerate the soil, which speeds up the composting process, convert nitrogen to a usable form, and repel some plant diseases.
  3. Recycles kitchen and yard waste. Composting keeps as much as 30% of waste from going to the trashcan. This reduces the amount of trash in your home. By diverting some waste, there won’t be a need to buy as many trash bags or to take out the trash as often.
  4. Reduces landfill waste. Many people think that organic material will just decompose in a landfill. This is true, but the process is a lot slower. When organic material does decompose, the nutrients produced are being wasted.
  5. Good for the environment! Composting is free and a lot healthier for the environment. By composting, you are not relying on factory-made fertilizers and chemicals.

If these benefits sound great and you are interested in composting, it’s easy to start. There’s many options like vermiculture, bins and others.  Before you start dumping food into your bin, check out this list of what and what not to compost.

Want to compost, but cannot do so at home? Here is a list of where to drop off compost in Philly.

Do you have any composting tips or benefits you’ve found? Let us and others know in the comments below! (And check out My Healthy Green Family for other farm & gardening tips!)

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