The Honeygrow Hype: CEO Justin Rosenberg Spills Secrets to Success
Honest eating and growing local has been Honeygrow’s motto since opening in 2012. The fast-growing food chain honors this slogan every single day as they support local farmers and serve customers.
Honeygrow serves fresh and healthy and delicious quality food. With two current locations, Honeygrow is aiming to have two more locations up and running by Spring (Radnor, PA) and Fall (Cherry Hill, NJ) later this year.
Talking with Honeygrow CEO Justin Rosenberg
I met with the CEO and founder of Honeygrow, Justin Rosenberg, to hear his take on his growing business. His unique, main focus for Honeygrow is not about how many open within the next 10 years, but the unique quality of each restaurant. Mr. Rosenberg looks extremely carefully into every detail of his franchise. The music, design, lighting, and of course food, all take a great amount of consideration. When I say that Rosenberg looks into every detail of his restaurants, I am not exaggerating. Everything from the playlist to design of the noodles is taken into consideration. The farms that Rosenberg and his team work with are all local and in return for their fresh food, Honeygrow offers marketing of the farms.
Honeygrow’s Menu
Other than their fantastic owner, what really makes Honeygrow stand apart from most current food chains in Philadelphia is the menu. The options consist of stir-fry, salads, smoothies and honeybar, it seems like slim pickings, right? But I’ve realized the options are in a way an inspiring art form. They are so simple yet there are infinite possibilities. The stir-fry has several options of noodles and rice; the honeybar consists of several varieties of honey, along with a choice of a wide variety kind of fruit. Customers use a touch screen to create any order from scratch or pre-fixed.
From avocados to homemade whipped-cream, Honeygrow has a plethora of colorful, nutritious options. Supporting this growing healthy food chain will also mean that customers are supporting local farms. For those of you looking to get a stir-fry combo with a freshly mixed smoothie, Honeygrow is the place.
Eat fresh Philly.
Readers, what’s your favorite combination at Honeygrow?
Source: Honeygrow on Facebook