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What Are the Green Jobs in Philly?

Have you noticed that more companies are stepping up with LEED certifications, or adding solar panels to their buildings? Wonder how you can work for a company with a mission beyond money?

Green jobs in Philly are growing by the day— and in areas you might not expect.

Take a look at these popular green jobs in Philadelphia to get the wheels turning on how you work AND contribute to a more sustainable city.

6 Types of Green Jobs in Philly

1. Urban Growers and Producers. We know that affecting company-wide change can be tough, so why not start with something you can do yourself?

Urban gardeners take this one step further, transforming the roofs of buildings into luscious, green gardens. It feels good to watch “coworkers” enjoy the greenery while knowing that urban gardens purify the air and even insulate buildings to make them more energy-efficient.

Plant a small garden, not only as a source of fresh food but to revitalize the air and provide a natural habitat for birds and butterflies.

2. Green Building. Opportunities abound to use renewable or recycled material for building, and green builders make this their goal. We recommend incorporating green building into your career by choosing eco-friendly furniture like recycled computer desks and chairs.

Or, if you want to impact the community in a bigger way, become a green builder yourself and tackle projects like sustainable school playgrounds, construction with half the waste, and remodeling to improve energy consumption.

3. Policy Makers. If we are going to make room for more green jobs in Philly and have a greater environmental impact, we need policymakers to stand up for sustainability. Whether you convince your company to open up a position for corporate climate engagement or simply voice your concerns to politicians, Philadelphia workers can make a difference.

4. Biofuel Technicians. With the world coming to realize that oil and gasoline will not be a long-term source of fuel, biofuel technicians are one of the fastest-growing green jobs in Philadelphia and around the world.

Cooperative efforts seek to discover new, more sustainable fuels made of corn, water, or plant oils. Jobs in the sector are numerous and include the need for people to deliver fuels, test them, and manage them for the world to use on a large scale. Working with biofuel means making some big changes!

5.  Consider working in marketing and communications to educate the public.

6. In an administrative role, make renewable or eco-friendly purchases. 

Of course, the green jobs in Philly are not limited to just these areas. The solar, farming, and business areas all have a plethora of opportunities. If you are seeking a new green job with sustainability in mind, try these areas.

Check the Green Philly Job Board

Looking for other job opportunities? We have a new job board!

If you will continue to work where you are at now, consider some of our above suggestions to make a difference in your company one step at a time.


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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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