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water conservation

6 posts

Tap Into Resilience Summit

WaterNow Alliance’s 2022 Tap Into Resilience Summit is happening in Philadelphia on April 13th &14th. Hosted in partnership with the Water Center at Penn and the Environmental Finance Center at the University of Maryland, the two day Summit will bring...
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Friday Wrapup: Eco-Friendly Lazy Laundry, Toolshares, Keystone XL & Fracking

Did anyone cut down a cherry tree (and hopefully plant 5 to replace it for the PHS) in honor of President's day?  Here’s the green Philly movers & shakers we just couldn’t fit in this week: Wish there was an eco-friendly laundry service to help with the pile of clothes on your floor?  Wash Cycle Laundry (1-888-611-9274) at 1611 South St. treats your clothes with eco-friendly detergent in energy-efficient machines, and then loads everything onto a bicycle-pulled trailer. Holllar. Philly loves (Find more of this week's wrapup, after the jump!)
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Quick Tips

Quick Tip – Turn Off The Faucet!

One of the easiest things to do - yet so often neglected - is turning off the lights in your home. Another? Shut off the faucet when cleaning or brushing your teeth. You can save an average of 30 gallons of water while washing dishes - saving you $$ (that would instead be going down the drain...!)
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