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26 posts

Roasted Spaghetti Squash, Tomato & Zucchini Recipe

Do you have local or CSA vegetables that you don’t know what to do with? Well, this yummy recipe is great for July because all the major ingredients are in their prime. I love squash, zucchini, and tomatoes because they are packed with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Carotenoids, Lutein, and Beta-Carotene. Which means this dish is PERFECT to help you fend off cancer, heart disease, and the effect of aging (not that I need it just yet). It’s also a great, easy vegetarian meal to share with up to 4 people. Roasted Spaghetti Squash, Tomato & Zucchini Recipe:
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Man Vs. Vegetables: Can Dudes Survive As Vegetarian?

It is awkward to be a vegetarian in the company of carnivores. I’m out to eat with my parents, in town visiting, and we’ve stopped for a bite to eat. And I am realizing for the first time since adopting my new diet what it means to be a man and a vegetarian in America. The waitress asks me if I’m a vegetarian after she takes my order. Although in the grand scheme this isn’t a big deal, I do notice that when my father orders meatloaf, she does not say, “Carnivore, huh?” In these questionable moments when I feel like I’ve committed a social taboo, I realize how important my meat-free decision is for my own personal growth. By giving up meat and seafood for the forty days of Lent, I can challenge my religious discipline AND my own preconceived notions about the dietary expectations of an American male. Read on as l examine my clumsy metamorphosis into a vegetarian, and find out more about my journey:
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10 Vegan Treats that Aren’t Cheats!

Although I’m still a fairly new vegan, I've got the basics down: no cheats, eggs, meats. This new lifestyle means passing up on all those delicious chocolate bars and fresh baked cookies, which at times can be super difficult. Yearning for a sugar fix has fueled me to find substitute snacks. To all my vegan friends out there, I’m happy to say I've discovered a hidden world of unintentionally vegan goodies.  I love kale as much as the next plant-based eater, but sometimes it’s necessary to indulge, yet still tray true to your diet. Here are 5 tasty (and surprisingly) vegan snacks to spoil yourself:
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5 Perfect Vegetarian Responses to Carnivores This Thanksgiving

Ah, vegetarians (or pescetarians, or flexitarians...) often have that awkward moment at Thanksgiving Dinner when we're passed the turkey and have to pass ON it. Although I previously spent $50 on a 'humane' turkey,  I'll likely go meat-free this Thursday. And the worst part? The comments from family around the table, about my seemingly-from-afar-prestigious decision. Don't fret, meatless readers. I brainstormed a few comebacks to avoid awkward silences around the table.
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Meatless Monday in Philly: Argument for Flexitarians

Monday. I’m sure you looked at the alarm clock this morning, rolled over and put your pillow over your head, begging for 8 more hours of sleep and another day of the weekend. (Or was that just me?) Monday also has another new meaning in Philadelphia: Meatless Mondays. But what does this resolution mean for Philadelphians? What’s the point of eating meat most, some or none of the time?
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