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Urban farming

5 posts

From Food Deserts to Food Forests

High inflation rates nationwide have made it more difficult for many people to put food on the table. This impact is even greater in areas of our city where stores selling fresh fruits and vegetables are few and far between....
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Healthy Soil, Healthy Home, Healthy Life!

Would you like a free soil analysis? Interested in learning how to keep your home safe from lead? Join us for a day of informative, & free activities for everyone! Activities Include: FREE On-site Soil Analysis, Fruit Smoothies, Apple Cider...
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Tea Blending Workshop with Terra Luna Herbals

Join local herbalist and urban farmer Elise Hanks of Terra Luna to learn the basics of herbal tea blending. Create a personal tea blend and learn how to begin your very own at-home apothecary. Price includes hot tea refreshments, take-home...
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How to Raise Chickens: 10 Tips for Backyard Fowls

When you think about the city of Philadelphia, I doubt fresh produce, large gray chickens or a rotund pig named Milkshake rarely come to mind. If you haven’t been to Greensgrow Farms, you are missing out. Not only do they have Milkshake and chickens, Greensgrow Farms is a cool agricultural oasis that presents a verdant contrast against the gritty Philadelphia backdrop. Greensgrow Farms offers local fresh produce through farm stands and mobile markets, a much-desired alternative to the processed foods in our chain supermarkets.  Located at 2501 E. Cumberland Street,  Greensgrow Farms offers a variety of events, classes, and workshops about eating healthier and living a more sustainable lifestyle. Find out about my recent chicken workshop & 10 things YOU need to know to raise backyard chickens:
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