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4 posts

Trail Off Storywalk

Experience TrailOff’s story by Denise Valentine and walk with the TTF Saturday Walk With Me Group  Part 1: Saturday, Nov. 4th 9:30-11am  Begin at I St. and Ramona Ave. Gateway. The first part of the story extends for 45 minutes to Tabor Rd. and then we will walk back together. Register Here to join. Part 2: Saturday, Nov. 11th 9:30-11am  Begin at Tabor Rd....
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Tookany Creek Trail Fest

On Earth Day weekend Sunday, April 23, Cheltenham EAC will host the second FREE Tookany Creek Trail Fest! There will be a trail cleanup event beforehand (9 am), bird walks, self-guided hikes, birding activities, a Trail Feasibility Study update, environmental art, free...
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Spring Foraging & Bioblitz Walk

Join us in Tacony Creek Park for an edible plants and Bioblitz walk! What’s a BioBlitz? Learn more here! During this walk, we’ll identify common plants, the parts that are edible, and look-alike plants that aren’t edible. Learn how the foraged...
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Green Philly

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