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11 posts

Philadelphia City Nature Challenge

As we say goodbye to April showers and hello to May flowers, you too can bloom and grow by taking part in the Philadelphia City Nature Challenge, a 4-day bio-blitz where cities worldwide see who can record the most wildlife....
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PSA: Put Down the Damn Phone

When did going out socially turn into isolation? Have you been out lately and looked around? Maybe thought, “OMG, everyone is on their goddamned phones.” I’m not being sadistic. I’m talking about the inability of anyone to communicate without a damn...
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MilkCrate Philly: App Makes Buying Sustainable Easy

We sat down with MilkCrate Philly Founder Morgan Berman to find out the same answer while discussing the upcoming release of the "sustainable yelp" app, hipsters and bridging the gaps between sustainability, technology and community. Accessibility to information: The problem 83% of Americans consider sustainability when buying food, and 81% want more options available to protect the environment, but they don't always know where to find them. Find out more about MilkCrate Philly's functionality, proposed features and more about founder Morgan Berman, after the jump.
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VegVine Philly Toolbar: Veggie Fun at your Fingertips

Eating less meat reduces carbon emissions greatly and has many other eco benefits. (For example, food for a vegan can be produced on 1/6 of an acre vs 3.25 for a meat eater!) But whether you want to go vegan, vegetarian, or just incorporate a more veggie-friendly lifestyle into your diet, it can be a little tricky to find local resources: Vegvine has menus, restaurants, news, and calendars just for those who are veg-friendly. The Philly restaurant section describes vegetarian, vegan or health store options complete with contact info & reviews. You can add the VegVine toolbar to your browser - Easy step by step instructions are
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