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Schuylkill River Trail

8 posts

Skeptical about the Schuylkill Banks Boardwalk? Don’t Be.

Whether you’ve heard about how awesome or wasteful the new Riverbank Schuylkill Boardwalk is, have you taken the trudge down to the River? If you’re an avid jogger or walker, you were most likely one of the first to cross the entire path.  But many Philadelphians have been wondering what it would do for the city.  Is it worth the $18 million and 3 years spent on its planning and construction?  Some have even gone as far as to call it Philly’s “newest playground for the rich,” which may be a dramatic embellishment...but it’s a fair opinion. What was Jessica's conclusion about the Schuylkill Boardwalk? Find out after the jump!
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Schuylkill River Trail Named 12th Best Bike Path in USA!

Philadelphia does it again! USA Today named the Schuylkill Bike Path #12 in the nation, along with favorites Minneapolis (#1), Boulder (#2) and Portland (#4). 19 bike paths were ranked total for "direct access to business districts while avoiding city traffic and making few street crossings, exceptionally beautiful (props!) and separate from traffic". The Schuylkill Trail was given props for bringing commuters into the city from the suburbs, where they'd otherwise be out of reach. Find out more about how Philly dominates another list, after the jump:
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Ride Bikes Car-Free Through Philly on Sept 11th!

Bike Philly 2011, aka YOUR chance to ride car-free on Philly Streets (ahem minus Carrie Denny's SUV...), is brought to you by the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia. You can bike car-free for 10 or 20 mile loops, or bike a 35-mile loop (which includes some shared roads.) Routes go through Philly landmarks including Chinatown, Olde City, by the Ben Franklin bridge, the Zoo and other awesome scenes. The 5th annual event supports (find out who, what & how to participate, after the jump!)
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