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16 posts

The Resource Exchange reFlea Vendor Market

The Resource Exchange’s reFlea is a vendor market for local remakers, vintage & secondhand refurbishers, upcyclers and DIY creatives. So if you are interested in sustainability, creative reuse, and contributing to Philly’s circular economy, then reFlea may be the perfect...
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Artist Reception: Jenna Loz

“Sustainability is important to me as a person and artist, but reusing materials for their essence is equally as important to my work.” Jenna Loz is a multidisciplinary artist actively earning a Bachelors of Fine Arts from the Tyler School...
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Jimmy Pocket Towel: Paper Sucks (WCI Weds)

The toilet flushes... and that's when it gets me. As I'm washing my hands in the bathroom, I see the pile of paper towels overflowing the trashcan. Many places don't have those electronic dryers and with a wave of the motion detector, a magna carter-sized cluster of paper towels comes spitting out. I hate disposables. It haunts me to carelessly use tissues, napkins and paper towels, although my OCD cleanliness sometimes gets the best of me. Where can you find reusable towels while on the go? It's a perfect question for Where Can I Wednesday... So when I found the Jimmy Pocket Towel, I knew I found a hidden gem. Why Jimmy Towel?
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